Monday, September 7, 2009

I have started a blog.

Anyone who knows me would laugh; I spend days teaching and preaching to students to be thoughtful of their technology use. I read to them Marshal McLuhan and Neil Postman warning them of the temptations of Huxley’s Brave New World. This class that I am taking is forcing me to reevaluate my thoughts on technology and revealing my hypocritical stance.

Ahhh, the digital existance. I revel in its simplicity of use and I revile its ease on thought. Would our greatest writers have used the thesaurus in Word to aid in their descriptions of being? Would Descartes been able to be – since his thinking would be left up to Google? As I type this I spell check reminds me of my mistakes DesCarte? DeCart? I can go no further until Word has resolved the case for me. The red squiggles drive me into a rage of incomplete thoughts – If I think incompletely I must be incomplete as per our Cartesian philosophy.

I find that I am reluctant to be and not to be. What was the question? How do I embrace technology?. All of my flaws on the page taunting me and reminding me that you have no time to think deeply; you can’t spell DeCart so how can you continue to write? I must fix my errors before I can proceed. And so I spell incorrectly over and over in order to find the correct response. I have to continue to spell a word incorrectly to finally spell it right? How is that idea not counter intuitive to the human spirit? Just keep typing something similar until the real thing shows up. And sometimes it never does – that is when it is time to change the word; thank you, thesaurus.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you have one now. Just so I can keep up with that busy life of yours! Kudos on the new blog! I'd write one, but who'd care? ;-) At least you have intelligent things to say. Good luck!
